Thursday, April 23, 2009


Yata! I did it!
I wanted to do something new other than facebook, so I'm giving online blogging another shot. This was an intresting week, back from Spring Break and theres a funky star testing schedule so I get to go to school around 10-11 which is nice but I get out around 2. With Spring Break done and had, nears the end of the school year. Which means one thing for us seniors, prom. I've been faced with a huge dilema of who to take. This has primarily been an issue for me since the begining of the school year. I've always wondered and worried who I'm going to ask and for the past 3 days I have been freaking out about it since most of my close friends have it all figured out. I've even considered asking a friend who I've lost contact with for about a year or so. I convinced myself, "go get her with spontinuity" and "sack up, ask her". But I've reailzed I should relax and follow the advice i so often dish out. "Whatever happens, happens for a reason. So just relax." With that being said I am reminded by a friend who often simply says "well see what happens." So I guess in the mean time I'll hang on tight, keep an open mind/eye, and see what happens.