It finally feels like summer, getting into the routine of waking up around noon. Then wallow around at home until the afternoon/night because its too hot to do anything during the day. After the sun goes down, so does the temperature so we go out and wreak havoc with some good friends until 2 am. Everyday is the same, everything so mundane. We always think of summer as a time to go wild, where we can abandon the structural life, i.e. sleeping still when almost everyone else is waking up and getting ready for work, school, and whatever or still be awake when everyone else is sound asleep. How about having the temperature jurisdict what we do during the day. That sound like a standard of which routine revolves around, so isn't that within itself a structure of life? Perhaps not. Maybe something out of the ordinary will happen one of these days, which will defy redundancy who knows...

...awaiting an adventure