I don't think I'm clear on what I'm looking for...
Ray Parker Jr.
Sunday, November 1, 2009
Thursday, August 20, 2009
I guess lately something I've noticed around me is the attitudes of people and passing judgment. My friend was talking about high school rallies he was never one to really get into it because he was always afraid of looking like a douche bag. But he'd always look around and see that there's the one guy getting into it and he may look like an idiot at the moment but he comes out of the rally all riled up while he comes out thinking, boy that was lame. So maybe its not always worth caring about what people think. I mean why would it what kind of impression you make on people you either don't know or don't really care about? But also some people go overboard with that and really do end up acting like douche bags. They act out to stand out and be funny in sometimes crude/immature way that they're not acting like themselves. So I guess its just better to be real. Those who like you for who you are, awesome. And those who don't really like you for who you really are, then I guess that's too bad. There really is no point to cater to someone else so much to where you stop acting like yourself. But it seems like some people have a certain image they think they need to live up to at all times. Some feel they need to be the funny guy 24/7, some think they need to be the macho touch one, and others think they need to always be Mr. Cool. I mean some people are born funny people and others really are more laid back and suave. But that's all something they're born with.
I used to always care what other people thought about me. Now in retrospect I never really cared about what the people I like and hang out with thought about me too much because we were all so close and comfortable with each other. So i was actually more concerned with how strangers though about me which is pointless. But I think lately I've got better about not caring and also better at not prematurely judging people... or at least I like to think I do.
I used to always care what other people thought about me. Now in retrospect I never really cared about what the people I like and hang out with thought about me too much because we were all so close and comfortable with each other. So i was actually more concerned with how strangers though about me which is pointless. But I think lately I've got better about not caring and also better at not prematurely judging people... or at least I like to think I do.
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
I want to go to college, just don't know where yet. Thinking about possibly going out of state, Seattle? Who knows anything is possible, only time can tell. Until next time...
Friday, July 10, 2009
What the deuce
When it comes to the believers of existentialism, there are 2 types of people. There are those who accept it, and hold it to be a working reality. Then there are those who accpet it, but refuse to consider it a representation of reality. Who is wrong and who is right? Both sides have very strong arguements, but there is no conclusion. In the end it leads to a series of questions, is nothing in essence something? Is the absent taste of water within itself a taste?... well you get the picture. It all comes down to are you a man (used loosely) of faith, or science? Existentialism or... the oppositite of existentialism (can't think of the correct termonology off the top of my mind). There are some things which you just can not prove, because we don't have the capacity to measure or analyze some things. So if we are unable to measure/analyze something, we are unable to study it and deduce a conclusion. Then do we not rely on good faith to accept certain things? I guess it goes both ways.
Now you may have noticed the word "things" in the line above is in bold. The word "thing" is so impersonal, it generalizes, its vauge, its not convincing. So to give my sentence more substance, we can examine the function of curreny vis-à-vis money. Money only works if we believe in it. It has become something that is heavily computerized, there are countless accounts of money globally. Almost everyone has a bank account now, but there is not enough physical money to represent the inherent wealth of everyone. In fact if Bill Gates, one of the wealthiest men on earth, withdrew all of his money our economy would not support itself and collapse... true story. Still have the same idea of money?
I guess what I concluded in the time of typing all this is, despite our invididual perceptions we should be open minded. Everything is peachy keen in moderation. Don't be so quick to shoot something down at first encounter. With that being said I leave you with this...
There was an owl who lived in an oak.
The more he heard the less he spoke.
The less he spoke, the more he heard.
We all should be like that wise old bird.

Wise owl indeed...
Now you may have noticed the word "things" in the line above is in bold. The word "thing" is so impersonal, it generalizes, its vauge, its not convincing. So to give my sentence more substance, we can examine the function of curreny vis-à-vis money. Money only works if we believe in it. It has become something that is heavily computerized, there are countless accounts of money globally. Almost everyone has a bank account now, but there is not enough physical money to represent the inherent wealth of everyone. In fact if Bill Gates, one of the wealthiest men on earth, withdrew all of his money our economy would not support itself and collapse... true story. Still have the same idea of money?
I guess what I concluded in the time of typing all this is, despite our invididual perceptions we should be open minded. Everything is peachy keen in moderation. Don't be so quick to shoot something down at first encounter. With that being said I leave you with this...
There was an owl who lived in an oak.
The more he heard the less he spoke.
The less he spoke, the more he heard.
We all should be like that wise old bird.

Wise owl indeed...
Monday, July 6, 2009
4th of July weekend
I went camping this 4th of July weekend with about 70 famlies or so... yeah it sounds pretty crazy doesn't it? But everyone who went were friends of my parents and their families so I don't really associate with any of the kids my age. I've gone to outings like this with them before, I just don't really have anything in common with them so I'd rather keep to myself. There is nothing to do at this campsite. No lake nothing. Just a lot of trees and dirt.
So, what does one bring to a "solo" 3 day 2 night outing? well i loaded my ipod with some new music. A lot of it was Tegan and Sara, I've known about them for some time now but I just never bothered to listen to their music, so I spent a lot of time listening to them these past 3 days. On top of that, I realized that I have never read the final Harry Potter book so I started. Its pretty good, I read a lot in my tent to a) kill time b) get out of the cold c) get away from annoying little kids d) just to read. Sweet deal. Over half way done, Hooked on Harry! Lastly I brought my skateboard to cruise around, it was fun riding around. The roads were surprisingly good. But I was limited to extremely remedial skating. I wish I was better.
I want to be like this guy. Check out his sexy tre bomb.

oh how i envy you.
So, what does one bring to a "solo" 3 day 2 night outing? well i loaded my ipod with some new music. A lot of it was Tegan and Sara, I've known about them for some time now but I just never bothered to listen to their music, so I spent a lot of time listening to them these past 3 days. On top of that, I realized that I have never read the final Harry Potter book so I started. Its pretty good, I read a lot in my tent to a) kill time b) get out of the cold c) get away from annoying little kids d) just to read. Sweet deal. Over half way done, Hooked on Harry! Lastly I brought my skateboard to cruise around, it was fun riding around. The roads were surprisingly good. But I was limited to extremely remedial skating. I wish I was better.
I want to be like this guy. Check out his sexy tre bomb.

oh how i envy you.
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Here's to summer
It finally feels like summer, getting into the routine of waking up around noon. Then wallow around at home until the afternoon/night because its too hot to do anything during the day. After the sun goes down, so does the temperature so we go out and wreak havoc with some good friends until 2 am. Everyday is the same, everything so mundane. We always think of summer as a time to go wild, where we can abandon the structural life, i.e. sleeping still when almost everyone else is waking up and getting ready for work, school, and whatever or still be awake when everyone else is sound asleep. How about having the temperature jurisdict what we do during the day. That sound like a standard of which routine revolves around, so isn't that within itself a structure of life? Perhaps not. Maybe something out of the ordinary will happen one of these days, which will defy redundancy who knows...

...awaiting an adventure

...awaiting an adventure
Thursday, April 23, 2009
Yata! I did it!
I wanted to do something new other than facebook, so I'm giving online blogging another shot. This was an intresting week, back from Spring Break and theres a funky star testing schedule so I get to go to school around 10-11 which is nice but I get out around 2. With Spring Break done and had, nears the end of the school year. Which means one thing for us seniors, prom. I've been faced with a huge dilema of who to take. This has primarily been an issue for me since the begining of the school year. I've always wondered and worried who I'm going to ask and for the past 3 days I have been freaking out about it since most of my close friends have it all figured out. I've even considered asking a friend who I've lost contact with for about a year or so. I convinced myself, "go get her with spontinuity" and "sack up, ask her". But I've reailzed I should relax and follow the advice i so often dish out. "Whatever happens, happens for a reason. So just relax." With that being said I am reminded by a friend who often simply says "well see what happens." So I guess in the mean time I'll hang on tight, keep an open mind/eye, and see what happens.
I wanted to do something new other than facebook, so I'm giving online blogging another shot. This was an intresting week, back from Spring Break and theres a funky star testing schedule so I get to go to school around 10-11 which is nice but I get out around 2. With Spring Break done and had, nears the end of the school year. Which means one thing for us seniors, prom. I've been faced with a huge dilema of who to take. This has primarily been an issue for me since the begining of the school year. I've always wondered and worried who I'm going to ask and for the past 3 days I have been freaking out about it since most of my close friends have it all figured out. I've even considered asking a friend who I've lost contact with for about a year or so. I convinced myself, "go get her with spontinuity" and "sack up, ask her". But I've reailzed I should relax and follow the advice i so often dish out. "Whatever happens, happens for a reason. So just relax." With that being said I am reminded by a friend who often simply says "well see what happens." So I guess in the mean time I'll hang on tight, keep an open mind/eye, and see what happens.
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