Now you may have noticed the word "things" in the line above is in bold. The word "thing" is so impersonal, it generalizes, its vauge, its not convincing. So to give my sentence more substance, we can examine the function of curreny vis-à-vis money. Money only works if we believe in it. It has become something that is heavily computerized, there are countless accounts of money globally. Almost everyone has a bank account now, but there is not enough physical money to represent the inherent wealth of everyone. In fact if Bill Gates, one of the wealthiest men on earth, withdrew all of his money our economy would not support itself and collapse... true story. Still have the same idea of money?
I guess what I concluded in the time of typing all this is, despite our invididual perceptions we should be open minded. Everything is peachy keen in moderation. Don't be so quick to shoot something down at first encounter. With that being said I leave you with this...
There was an owl who lived in an oak.
The more he heard the less he spoke.
The less he spoke, the more he heard.
We all should be like that wise old bird.

Wise owl indeed...
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